Sagittarus Full Moon Ritual And Innerdance

 Join me on this powerful Sagittarius full moon day where I will guide you thru a ritual on releasing whatever that does not serve us.

There will be sharing, support session before we end it with innerdance.


Innerdance to me is a formless modality, it can be a shamanic journey, past life regression, light language session,a chance to release any emotions in our body or even nothing at all where we fall asleep.

We may or may not move as everyone's journey and experience is different.

Basically, this is a experience where we take this time to connect deeper with ourself together with music, to allow our body to surrender and release control.

I find innerdance a way to help me release my emotions better, our ego stops us from moving our body but when we learn to detach from our ego, it will be an experience each time💖

Some people may feel it looks scary like you are being possessed but the truth is we are conscious the entire journey.

When you are safe and feel safe, you will learn to surrender, trust the process💖